Friday, March 28, 2008

Snowfall Warning!

The lowermainland is being crippled by this early spring snowstorm. It has dropped down to a frightening 3C degrees! We are staying in today until this system passes. See how Holly is almost lost beneath the snow in this photograph. Luckily for her she only had to endure this temperature for about a minute. We had to bring her back into the warmth of the house when she refused to pee in this extreme weather.

Starbucks Run!

Holly and I enjoying a Starbucks together. Holly even enjoyed her own little cup. She was however disappointed to find it was only water.

Tackier than a Garden Gnome

Went for a visit with Kasia of Grayson Italian Greyhounds Last night and what did we find on her front lawn? Tres, tres chic!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

On the couch

Here is Holly today, still skinny as a rake. Hopefully she's got something cooking up in there!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Holly's been bred to Giacamo!

We are proud to announce that Holly has been bred to Giacamo and we are expecting puppies Mid May. This new blog will follow Holly throughout her pregnancy as well as some other tidbits on our other dogs as they come up. Bookmark it and check back often to see updates. Normally we would use our website as a way to update in her progress, however, this system seems much easier/faster. I hope you enjoy the new blog!