Wednesday, July 30, 2008

PUPDATE! Yoshi in her new home

Yoshi has joined her new family in Vancouver.
She is one lucky little girl.
The updates we have been getting from Joel are she is doing really well with her potty training, and although she was not really wanting much to do with her food at first, she's getting better at finishing her meals. Congratulations Joel and Yoshi!

Monday, July 14, 2008

8 Weeks!

Moglie (a.k.a. Blue Boy) is going to Amanda in Calgary.

Enzo (a.k.a. Fawn Boy) is going to Sharon in Toronto

Jersey (a.k.a. Heart) is staying here with us!

Bella (a.k.a Red Girl) belongs to Emelie and Andy in Penticton

Yoshi (a.k.a. Africa) belongs to Joel in Vancouver

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Playing in the yard!

Thanks to Kasia of Grayson Ig's for helping with the evaluations. Thanks also to the Grayson dogs for helping tire out the puppies enough so they would hold still for their evaluation pictures!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

8 week evaluations

"Blue Boy"
Moglie is going to Amanda in Calgary.

"Blue Fawn Boy"

Enzo is going to Sharon in Toronto, Ontario

"Heart Girl"

Jersey is staying here at Marsic. Her attitude is perfect for both show and agility and we just can't let her go!

"Red Girl"

Bella is going to Emelie and Andy in Penticton, BC

"Little Africa"

Yoshi is going to Joel in Vancouver, BC

Monday, July 7, 2008


Nothing like a good visit from someone new to get us all crazy!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

7 weeks!

Blue boy

Fawn Boy

Heart Girl

Red Girl

Little Africa

Friday, July 4, 2008

Little Africa's 6 week evaluation!

She's so sweet, and so shy...

Red Girl's 6 week evaluation!

she wouldn't hold still long enough to get a good picture of her moving. She is always running at full tilt.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Heart Girl's 6 week evaluation!

She was more interested in sniffing than moving around the patio.

Fawn Boy's 6 week evaluation!

Sadly we were running out of daylight and some came out quite blurry. I still like them because they show good movement.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Blue Boy's 6 week evaluation!

He's such a handsome little boy, and was so good on the table!